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It's Time For Spring Cleaning: Clean Up Your Digital Marketing This Season

Molly Berard • Apr 02, 2021

Spring is here and you know what that means - spring cleaning! In addition to cleaning out your home, you also want to tidy up your business. This includes the physical location as well as your online presence. This is the perfect time to clean up your digital marketing. Here are a few ideas to get you started!

Spring cleaning is common in households across the country. It's also a good idea to clean up your business space to get rid of unused or irrelevant documents, free up space in devices and networks, and create a nicer work environment. Did you know that you should also clean up your digital marketing? The changing of the seasons is a great opportunity for you to take a look at your digital presence and make necessary adjustments. This is the perfect time for you to rebrand, try something new, and make your online presence bigger and better than ever. Need some inspiration to get you started? Here are some suggestions from our Digital Marketing Experts.

Revamp Your Website

The first thing we suggest during your digital spring cleaning is revamping your website. There are more businesses with an online presence than ever before as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It's important to have a website that still stands out from the crowd. For many businesses, your website is your first impression to potential clients or customers. You want to put your best foot forward and showcase your business in the best light. There are many websites available that can scan, analyze, and grade your website based on things like speed, SEO, performance, design, and more. If your results are not what you were hoping for, it's time to get to work and start making edits and improvements throughout the site. If you work with a digital marketing agency, they can identify problems, suggest changes, and implement solutions for you. Here are a few ways to improve a website:

  • Add More Visuals! A picture is worth a thousand words, so use images on your pages often! Include pictures or videos of your company, your products/services, your employees, your clients, and industry-related photos. Be sure to keep an eye on loading time as more visuals can make pages take longer to load (this is not good).

  • Make It Interactive! Consumers LOVE interactive websites! Whenever possible, give the user something to do. Create slideshows to scroll through, before and afters with sliders, clickable images that cause something to happen, etc. Not only will interactive elements help set your site apart from others, it will also keep consumers engaged and encourage them to dive deeper into the website to find more fun things to do! Some of the most popular websites have that reputation solely because they're interactive and entertaining. Don't believe us? Check out It's completely pointless (pun intended), but good for hours of fun!

  • Clean Up Your Navigation. One of the best upgrades you can make to your website is a cleaner navigation. Put yourself in the shoes of your consumer; how frustrating is it when you find a promising company, head to their website, and then can't find what you're looking for? Make sure to highlight all of the most important pages on the main navigation tab with subpages as needed. Throughout your site, include buttons, links, clickable images, and CTAs that lead directly to relevant pages. The less scrolling and hunting consumers need to do, the better!

  • Optimize For SEO. Lastly, you want to optimize your website for SEO purposes. Search Engine Optimization is important for long-term digital success. When you have a site built by a digital marketing agency, they will usually handle the SEO optimization automatically. It never hurts to take a look to make sure things aren't falling to the wayside. Are your pages filled with relevant keywords that Google will rank you on? Do you use headings and body text to help Google bots identify the key topics on each page? Do you have frequently-update blog posts with even more keywords? This is a great time to check!

Go Through Your Old Social Media Posts

If you really want to clean house, it's time to take a look back into your social media pages. Businesses change and grow as time goes on, and your digital presence has likely seen a shift or two since you launched the account. It's important to scroll through your account to make sure all of your posts are clean, consistent, and represent your brand well. If you hire a new marketing person or switch to a new digital marketing agency, there is probably an area of posts that clearly show that shift. If you're happy with the posts you have no, don't be afraid to delete or archive older ones. You may not think that it's worth it, but you would be shocked by how many consumers scroll to the bottom of Instagram and Facebook accounts. If they see inconsistent branding, poor-quality images, or other less-than-ideal posts, they may lose trust in your company. Take a few days to delete or archive social media posts that do not show your business in the best light. You don't want to delete every old post, just the worse ones. Business accounts with more posts from way back are seen as more established. If you delete your entire history, you may disrupt your social reputation.

Check Out Your Ads

Another aspect of your business that you definitely want to clean up is your ad accounts. This can get a bit tricky if you work with a digital marketing agency, but if you ask, many will happily send you reports or screenshots, or will offer to meet with you to go over your account. This will give you the chance to see how your ads have been doing so you can determine what changes you'd like to make. Digital ads are great because they record data automatically that you can use to make informed decisions. Here are a few things you want to look for. Note: always ask your digital marketing team to give their opinions and thoughts on ad performance. They're experts for a reason and want to see you succeed!

  • Compare all campaigns and ad sets to find your most profitable or successful target audience for future campaigns.
  • Take a look at your individual ads and notice trends. Are videos performing far better than still images? Is one product getting the majority of consumer attention? This can help you change up your ad strategy in the upcoming season.
  • Pay special attention to your targeting. You may be targeting one market but most of your results are coming from an A/B test that you never expected to work! If you focus more on the successful audiences, you'll see more results.
  • Compare your ads to competitors. You can check Facebook Ads Library, SpyFu, the Google Ads competitor dashboard widget, and many other websites to find out how you're stacking up against your competition.
  • Compare the success of platforms. You may have ads on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, Twitter, and all the other social platforms you can think of, but are they all benefiting you? In many cases, one or two platforms will prove to be far more successful than others. If that's the case, you can shift your digital ads budget away from underperforming platforms and funnel more into the successful ad accounts.

Deep Dive Into Your Branding

This is a great time to start working on your branding if necessary! When was the last time you went over your brand guide to make sure everything reflects the mission and vision of the company? While fundamental aspects of brand tend to stay consistent, there are some things that should be brought up to date more frequently than others. For example, consider changing the fonts you use on websites and content if yours seems outdated. Slowly introduce new or variations of colors. Incorporate some elements that fit with your brand such as shapes, lines, layouts, etc. Do you have new rules about what you want to create social media posts about? While it's almost never a good idea to change branding abruptly (especially if you're a larger and well-established brand), but you can slowly change your style to better fit your business in its current state. BusySeed just redid our brand guide early last year to add some new colors for internal use, new posting guidelines, new fonts and hierarchy, and more! Many people forget that branding starts within so they ignore internal guidelines. It's extremely difficult to communicate your brand to other people (i.e. your digital marketing agency) when you don't fully understand it yourself. Top digital marketing agencies will be willing and able to sit down with you and help you create or finetune your brand guide as needed. They know the ins and outs of branding, so don't be afraid to ask them for help.

Hire A Digital Marketing Agency

The best advice we can give you if you want the best digital spring cleaning out there is to hire a digital marketing agency. Though we're biased, we can confidently say that working with an agency will without a doubt give you the best results you've seen up until now. To be clear, you want to make sure you're working with a reputable agency. Freelancers can do more harm than good, and an agency that isn't invested in helping you grow won't take the time to help you change up your marketing strategy. As a client, you deserve time with the marketing team to go over what's been going well, what needs work, and how we can change things in the future. Digital marketing agencies have experts in the field who can assist you every step of the way. We have website developers, branding experts, content creators, SEO gurus, and more to help you clean up your act and make a splash online this spring. The nice thing about an agency is that you pay for an entire team to back you up. We don't have just one marketer working on your account, we have several team members pitching in to work on the services they excel at. Any of the top digital agencies will want to see you succeed and will work with you to make changes as they come. That being said, keep in mind that changes can take a while to go into effect, especially if they're significant. Try to be patient with your marketing team and consider prioritizing the changes so we know what we can hold off on until a bit later.

Are you in the spirit for spring cleaning yet? We hope this article has given you a starting point for improving your business online. Digital marketing has a lot of moving parts, so be sure to find ways to clean up each and every one that you can. Put in the work now and reap the rewards later! We understand that spring cleaning can seem like a daunting task, so we're here to help. When you work with BusySeed, you get personalized attention to ensure that your business is accurately represented in everything we do. We've helped to grow over 300 businesses online and you can be the next to join our family. Call us today at (888) 353-1484 to talk to our team and get started. Visit to learn more about us. We hope to hear from you soon! Happy spring!

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